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This FAQs page is created in order to assist you to understand about us better.

Bridal FAQs

Do you provide custom tailoring for bridal?

Yes, we provide custom tailor made service for bridal and special occasion

How can I become one of your Bridal Service customer?

For bridal custom tailoring service, you will need to come to our store and get yourself measured.

How do I make payment for Bridal Service?

For every bridal service you may make 50% deposit payment upon after your body measurement and design has been decided at our location.


Collection is out of stock, can I still make order?

Yes, all items currently under out of stock will requires special orders and be made subject to materials availability. Kindly submit inquiry for collection you're interested with.

What are the sizes available for RTW collection?

Our RTW Collection offers size ranging from XS to XXL.

How do I make payment for RTW?

Every RTW Collection can be bought immediately online based on its availability using our payment gateway. You can use the shopping cart features to add preferred RTW to be purchased and finish by Checking Out and make online payment using the payment gateway provided.

When will my RTW purchase delivered?

Your RTW purchase will be delivered within 1 week upon successful payment to your billing or shipping address defined in the checkout page. We will be sending an email with tracking code upon shipment initiation.

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